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Home > Conference > TFEA Professional Awards > TFEA VOLUNTEER OF THE YEAR



To be eligible for consideration for the TFEA Volunteer of the Year Award, the nominee shall
  • Be a current volunteer of a TFEA / IFEA member organization
  • Have provided significant enthusiasm, organizational assistance and specific expertise
  • Be a volunteer of the nominating festival or event for at least three years
  • Have shown initiative and leadership in his/her efforts
  • Have a positive attitude
  • Have exemplified his/her dependability
  • Have a significant depth of involvement
  • Have made a difference to the festival or event
  • Have received no remuneration for services directly associated with his/her volunteer duties
Nomination Deadline: Thursday, September 19, 2024 at 5:00pm

Your Contact Information

Thank you for making a nomination! How can we get in touch with you if we have any questions.

If your nominee is selected, will you be willing to help ensure that they attend the awards luncheon at the TFEA Annual Conference?
Awards Luncheon

Nominee Information

Tell Us More About Your Nominee

Please provide a 2-paragraph response for each of the seven items below. Please include specific examples for each. Points will be awarded as shown.

(10 Points)
(10 Points)
(20 Points)
(10 Points)
(10 Points)
(20 Points)
(20 Points)
Need more space? You may upload a PDF of your nomination write-up

Additional Information

To create a news release and other marketing items promoting your nomination and the TFEA Volunteer of the Year program, we ask you to please submit the following with your nomination:

High resolution photograph (JPEG) of the person you are nominating.

Please Note: If your nominee is selected, the individual submitting the nomination will be required to complete a questionnaire and submit 10-15 photos all to be utilized for award presentation. All materials must be submitted within 10 days of notification.
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